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[iconbox type=”3″ icon_title=”Wedding Consulting” iconbox_content=”Weddings are significant events in people’s lives and as such, couples are often willing to spend considerable amount of money to ensure that their weddings are well-organized….
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[iconbox type=”3″ icon_title=”Wedding Services ” iconbox_content=”Even if you have a limited time to make your decisions, The Wedding Planner will organize and handle with creative ideas the finest possibilities that are most suiting to complete your wedding perfectly.
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[iconbox type=”3″ icon_title=”One-Stop Planning” iconbox_content=”Our management team and event planners will organize all finite details from venue hire to the delivery of the high standards of service. This therefore, enables our clients to enjoy….
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Dynamically enable competitive niches before client-based leadership. Assertively brand visionary potentialities for.

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We have 20 years experience planning and organizing beautiful weddings and events. We have built up excellent relationships with the most professional suppliers on the coast to help with your every desire. From a small intimate gathering to a more luxurious wedding day we can help you make your Dream Wedding a reality. We charge no commissions to suppliers so we can pass on the saving to you in the form of discounted rates.


We’re not limited to

[row][one_half][list-ul type=”check”][li-row]meeting and event site selection [/li-row][li-row]budget analysis[/li-row][li-row]hospitality and event staffing [/li-row][li-row]hotel accommodations [/li-row][li-row]food and catering[/li-row][li-row]entertainment and recreation [/li-row][/list-ul][/one_half][one_half][list-ul type=”check”][li-row]theme and décor[/li-row][li-row]teambuilding[/li-row][li-row]specialty invitations[/li-row][li-row]group dinners, parties and picnics[/li-row][li-row]airport and local transportation[/li-row][li-row]client gifts, holiday gifts[/li-row][/list-ul][/one_half][/row]

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We make your wedding day the beautiful image that you’ve dreamed of your whole life.
If you have any idea you know how to find us.

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The Salon

You can find our location on the map,
phone number to communicate with our members and email address to ask your questions.

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