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[distance][maxtitle maxtitle_content=”We’re Getting Married”][distance]

Welcome to the online home of Joshua and Maggie. we’ve created this website to inform you all the stuff we could not fit on the invitation. We can’t wait to get married. Honestly we’re so excited to share our special day with you guys. We’ve made sure to cover it all for you, our glorious gustes. Surf the page to find desired information. Thanks for coming! Big love, Joshua and Maggie xoxo


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[distance type=”4″][distance type=”4″][maxtitle type=”rose2″ maxtitle_content=”Joshua and Maggie are engaged to be married”][distance type=”4″][distance type=”4″]
[distance type=”2″][maxtitle maxtitle_content=”Meet Happy Couple”][distance type=”2″]
[brideorgroom gender=”groom” img=”9″ name=”JOSHUA KENDALL” text=”Maggie and I first met in Bristol. I’m sure she must have thought my fashion sense quite strange, especially as at the time I was wearing a bright orange hammock. The thing you hang between two trees to sleep on.” first_url=”#” second_social=”dribbble” second_url=”#” third_social=”vimeo” third_url=”#” fourth_social=”instagram” fourth_url=”#”]
[brideorgroom img=”10″ name=”MAGGIE CARTER” text=”we were dating, and I felt and still do feel, the happiest girl in the world. Jacob makes me feel so special and loved. You are the love of my life, my best friend. I don’t think anybody could be happier than I am today.” first_url=”#” second_social=”dribbble” second_url=”#” third_social=”vimeo” third_url=”#” fourth_social=”instagram” fourth_url=”#”]
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Want To See
[button url=”http://webnus.biz/themes/weddingsuite/rose/our-story/” target=”_self” color=”gray” size=”large” border=”true” btn_content=”READ OUR STORY”]

[distance][wedding-divider][distance type=”2″]
[maxtitle type=”rose2″ maxtitle_content=”UNTILL OUR BIG DAY”][countdown datetime=”11October 2015 9:00″ done=”Finished!”]
[distance type=”4″][maxtitle maxtitle_content=”Groomsmen & Bridesmaids”][distance type=”4″]
[weddingteam img=”379″ name=”DAVID MILLER” title=”Best man” text=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sit amet pharetra nunc, non scelerisque ligula. Cras vel justo nulla. Vestibulum a sollicitudin metus, faucibus fermentum leo.” first_social=”twitter” second_social=”facebook” third_social=”twitter” fourth_social=”twitter”]
[weddingteam img=”382″ name=”SARAH NORTON” title=”Matron of honor” text=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sit amet pharetra nunc, non scelerisque ligula. Cras vel justo nulla. Vestibulum a sollicitudin metus, faucibus fermentum leo.” first_social=”twitter” second_social=”facebook” third_social=”twitter” fourth_social=”twitter”]
[weddingteam img=”415″ name=”ADAM BEAN” title=”Groom’s partner” text=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sit amet pharetra nunc, non scelerisque ligula. Cras vel justo nulla. Vestibulum a sollicitudin metus, faucibus fermentum leo.” first_social=”twitter” second_social=”facebook” third_social=”twitter” fourth_social=”twitter”]
[weddingteam img=”381″ name=”JESSICA CARTER” title=”Bride’s sister” text=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sit amet pharetra nunc, non scelerisque ligula. Cras vel justo nulla. Vestibulum a sollicitudin metus, faucibus fermentum leo.” first_social=”twitter” second_social=”facebook” third_social=”twitter” fourth_social=”twitter”]
[wedding-divider][distance type=”3″]
[distance type=”2″][weddingbox title=”MAIN
AT 10:00 AM” desc=”We like everything on the wedding day be perfect! So we made a great plan for this day.”]
[distance type=”2″]
[distance type=”2″][gmap zoom=”18″ address=” 130 Ohua ave. Honolulu, HI 96815 US Saint Augustine Church”]
[distance type=”2″][gmap zoom=”18″ address=”KUHIO BEACH PARK”]
[distance type=”2″]
[distance type=”2″][weddingbox title=”WEDDING
AT 18:00 PM” desc=”Guests always love the energy of a live band to hear original artist sing, free drink is on us.” mirror=” w-mirror”]
[distance type=”4″][maxtitle maxtitle_content=”Photo Gallery”][ess_grid alias=”rose_gallery”][wedding-divider][distance type=”3″]
[distance type=”3″][maxtitle maxtitle_content=”Friends Say”][distance][testimonial_slider][testimonial_item name=”Patricia Martin” img=”269″ text_content=”I wish you all these things–but remember sometimes dreams are ALL up to YOU!”][testimonial_item name=”Frank Miller” img=”270″ text_content=”I am glad to here that you are starting your new life after the excellent moments together”][testimonial_item name=”laura Green” img=”271″ text_content=”Congradulations! maggie and jacob, I wish you for all your dreams of tomorrow”][/testimonial_slider][distance type=”4″]
[distance type=”2″][maxtitle maxtitle_content=”Gift Registration” description=”We appriciate your kind helps”][distance type=”3″]
[distance type=”4″][wedding-divider][distance type=”4″]
[maxtitle maxtitle_content=”Are You Attending?”][distance type=”3″]

[contact-form-7 id=”4941″]

[distance type=”4″][maxtitle maxtitle_content=”Latest From Blog”][distance type=”2″]
[latestblog post_count=”2″]
[maxtitle type=”rose2″ heading=”3″ maxtitle_content=”Joshua & Maggie” description=”WE ARE IN LOVE AND GETTING MARRIED”][wedding-divider type=”2″]

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